Golf Irrigation | Toro Featured Products

Toro® INFINITY® Series Sprinklers 

Minimize the work. Maximize the results. The INFINITY Series Sprinklers have been the best selling sprinklers since 2014. Key sprinkler features include:

  • Top serviceable for instant access to all components. 
  • Removable pilot valve with the water on.
  • Nozzle base clutching for hot spot watering.
  • No digging. No turf scars. No buried wire splices or ground faults.

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Toro Lynx Central Control System 

The Toro Lynx Central Control System provides a fast, accurate way to set up your system and put water exactly where you want it. Effectively control and manage your golf course with all of your irrigation information readily available anywhere and anytime. Plus, it enables remote access to your irrigation system from any mobile device.

More Control. The Lynx Central Control System allows you to pick the order stations to water automatically and upload station changes into your Watering Plan. Control your irrigation by setting runtime minutes or application inches and let the system calculate the rest. You can also see exactly how much water you will apply and how long you will irrigate each area.

Dynamic Drilldown. Organized by area and hole, instantly define and control your irrigation system in the same way that you think about your golf course. Dynamic Drilldown guides you to where you need to go in order to optimally manage your water and resources. Follow the water drop in the Watering Plan to find stations, holes or entire areas that are disabled, on hold, or otherwise not scheduled to irrigate.

Interactive Map. The advanced functionality of the Lynx Central Control System enables you to create and edit your own interactive map using a digital image of your golf course. Program and control your activities right from the map with instant access to your exact irrigation system. Easily add, drag, drop, and assign sprinklers, satellites, Turf Guard® wireless soil sensors, and switches to their precise locations.

Course Report. A Course Report supports your irrigation system by providing status information on scheduled and manual watering activities. Lynx auto-generates daily summary reports, so you can confirm sprinkler runtimes at a glance. Quickly find stations that did not operate as planned and immediately address any issues to avoid potential course damage.

When it comes to running your golf course, Lynx Central Control System helps you make better decisions with better irrigation information at your fingertips.

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Contact Rich Song, Ness Turf Irrigation Specialist, at 808.486.8305 or email at for more information.

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